Thursday, 27 December 2012

t r e e s

I've started to hate the way posts and photos for some reason need names? It's probably just because I'm really really bad at naming things so from now on I'm just going to state the obvious unless I suddenly come up with some amazing unique name but we all know that's not going to happen.
So this morning I thought I had plans but they fell through and I decided instead of sitting on my bed staring at a laptop screen all day like I usually spend my free time I would get up off my arse and do something with myself so I just got up, collected my things and left the house. I have to admit I spent the majority of the day buying CDs and gig tickets but I did manage to get some photos I was quiet proud of.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Well I guess it's time to admit this wasn't really a Christmas themed post was it, but, I got a new super zoom lens for my camera for Christmas and that's reaLLY excITING. I took all of these photos with said lens and I hope you like them.
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas  you all got exactly what you wanted and you had a lovely day stuffing your face and spending time with your family and friends. I for one have eaten my own body weight in food and I don't intend to stop soon as it's off to Newcastle for our Christmas mark 2! wishing you all a very happy 2013 and expect to see some exciting new posts soon. I have a lot planned for you.